The Paris Agreement emphasizes (Article 12) the value of education, training, and public awareness of climate change. Indeed, support of local populations is necessary to cope with it and to implement the Agreement. Facing these mitigation and adaptation issues, young generations need comprehension and action tools to prepare themselves and evolve in this changing world. Teachers have a key role to play and it is essential that they receive sufficient support from the scientific community, as it has been underlined both by UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change and by the Academies of science around the world, in their Statement on Climate Change and Education. Global warming is already having an impact on our societies, and sharing the knowledge of the current impact on the arctic environment and societies is a major issue. Teachers are pivotal in their climate education and it is essential that they receive sufficient support to implement effective lessons on climate change. Innovative communication tools, such as comics, augmented reality material (e.g., 3D maps, sketches and videos) and board games, can help reaching out to non-traditional audiences. The participation of stakeholders such as four primary schools in Yakutia and in France, an association of ecological education and the Office for Climate Education in the project will help to support the teaching of climate changes and outreach activities.